a 6-WEEK JOURNEY of positive transformation FOR MEN,



The world is crying out for men of virtue and honour. Men who are tired of being burdened by their problems and want to get their shit together so they can serve a higher purpose, fulfill their gifts and express their genius. Men who wish to care for the world and lead it into much needed positive transformation during this time of holy shift. Men who are willing to support women in their evolving empowerment and also be committed to mutual upliftment to even higher levels of development in conscious partnership and authentic relationships. Men who want to break free from the shackles of ancient wounds, self-destructive patterns and liberate their magnificence to be brighter beacons of virtue, hope and beautiful strength for others.

Men who vie to be magnanimous: great souls!

Are you such a man? Are you craving a calling that will challenge you with positive force to bring out the best you can be? Are you tired of not being consistent on your path and want to level-up your integrity? Do you feel that a deep part of you is not fully online in your life? Are you willing to make the sacrifice (a sacred offering) of your time and attention to breakthrough into a whole new evolved and powerful expression of your beautiful being? Are you man enough to be a king of your heart and be a force of indomitable, creative love in the world?  

KINGS OF THE HEART is a dynamic 6-week evolutionary journey through the powerful transformational inner-technology of archetypal psychological work. Archetypal Psychology is a profound tool to awaken the best parts of ourselves, what visionary psychiatrist, Carl Jung, called the ‘Great Self’. The archetypes represent a deep map of the psyche or soul, illuminating our inner-world with clarity, showing us the depths of our 'shadows' or where we are unconscious and fragmented in our wounding. Concurrently, the archetypes also illuminate and point us toward the inspiration to express ourselves more fully and consciously. This is a positive and heroic process of awakening our innate genius, strengths and gifts.  

Working with the archetypes is like discovering buried treasure within ourselves that we may have never been aware of. They are literally the deepest blueprints of how human consciousness works and expresses itself. To know them means to know ourselves profoundly. As the great mystics have decried, Self-realization is a crucial aspect of mastering life and living in greatness.

During this 6-week pathway, we will engage the FOUR major masculine archetypes of KING WARRIOR MAGICIAN & LOVER. Every week will represent a dynamic activation of the archetypal forces within us, entailing deep-dives into the SHADOW-WOUNDED aspects AND discovering the inspiring embodiments of the FULLNESS or BEST qualities of the archetypes and ourselves. The archetypes give us incredible maps to take stock at where we are deficient in our lives and the pathways to grow strength where we thusly lack. This is a path toward embodiment of true, noble power, love and wisdom.

The 6-week journey will be bookended by an opening ritual and initiation into the masculine archetypal terrain, setting the context for our great work. We will conclude with a potent closing ceremonial ritual and integration to bring things to a consummate end and also light the torch for the next steps beyond as we walk now into our lives with newly earned virtue.



Each week we will dive deeply into the transformational teachings of one of the four major masculine archetypes in our live call. This will powerfully inspire our growth. We will learn the terrain of our shadow and our light and how to walk toward a more in-lightened self where the shadow is integrated and our great self takes the driver’s seat of our life. Each archetype is like a portal to evolutionary wisdom. Moreover, because the archetypes are the actual architecture of our psyche-soul, the effect can be immediate. It can feel like a true turbo charge for positive change, making us aware where we need to work, and providing the potent inspiration to do so.

You will also receive an accumulating workbook of the relevant info on the archetypes to revisit throughout the week. You'll also be receiving messages and motivations throughout the week to keep the fire of transformation churning. More on that below!


After the archetypal teaching component of the weekly call and subsequent discussion, we will take a short break and then transition through guided meditation and ritual into our weekly Men's Circle. This will be an opportunity to share more personally on what is going on in our lives; a space to reveal ourselves in a compassionate container and find strength through our vulnerability. So much of Men's Work is about this potent sharing space. Men have traditionally been shutdown and not made to feel safe to express themselves. We will release that wounding and encourage each other to bear ourselves to our brothers so we can be supported in making positive changes in our lives. This will also be an opportunity for brothers to share their experiences working with the archetypes and the weekly mission tasks that will be given to further awaken and galvanize us. This will be a beautiful and uplifting opportunity to witness each other in our authentic humanity and foster a community spirit that we can draw upon during inevitable times of need. This is the heart of the great work.



Each week, you will receive immensely powerful guided meditation recordings to embody the work of what Jung called 'Creative Visualization'—using the power of our divine imagination to deepen our archetypal connection and embodiment of their inner-riches. These are powerfully recorded meditations, featuring incredible sound healing textures and sacred symbology I co-produced with masterful producer and sound alchemist, Steffen Ki. These guided meditations will offer themselves as powerful spiritual talismans to constantly renew our archetypal activation work and also provide a lifeline when needed rejuvenation from our inner-guidance (our Divine Feminine) is called for.


Each week will activate a new series of practices to creatively inspire our growth and evolution. These will consist of text, video and audio materials specific to the quality of each archetype. Some of these will be non-negotiable practices to push us into embodying discipline, playing our edges with evolutionary tension.

An example list of practices:

-  SHAKING MEDICINE & ECSTATIC MOVEMENT for trauma and emotional release

-  SOUND HEALING & VOICE ACTIVATION to work on our internal energies and empower our freedom of expression

-  SACRED SEXUALITY PRACTICES to foster healing and mastery of the sexual-creative force

-  QIGONG to work with relaxing tension in our being and cultivate noble energy


There will also be recommendations to connect to films, music and other cultural arts to further colour the archetypes we’re connecting to. I will also be sending frequent communications of wisdom nuggets, inspiring passages and quotes, and other galvanizing ideas to keep the wind strongly in our sails as we move forward into positive change.


We will have two exciting Guest Facilitators supporting the KINGS OF THE HEART journey. Fitness & Health Coach, Len Benoit, will be offering a weekly Warrior Workout class on Wednesday mornings, 730-830am, during the duration of the program to get men in shape and filled with Warrior zest. These classes will also be recorded and can be engaged at a later time for participants if the timing doesn't work. Men will be expected to do as many of these classes as possible to truly bring their inner-Warrior online in their lives as a dynamic force of activation of their power. For more info, check Len's facilitator bio further down the page.

Also, deeply honoured to welcome my dear friend, Jaime Fleres, shamanic astrologer and publishing mentor, who will also be sharing a profound astrology and its relation to divine masculine archetypes through the cosmic perspective of the stars. This will be a further addition to our mytho-poetic journey and inspiring especially for those not well-versed in astrology. Jaime is a tour-de-force and also the incredible editor and book doula of my first book LOVE'S REVOLUTION.



This is a very next-level container for evolutionary growth, to participate in the universal cultivation of true and good manhood and galvanize brothers to be forces of positive change in uplifting the soul of the world.   This is NOT for perfect men. They do not exist. While perfection is something noble to aim towards, humility is a key theme in this creative work. Patriarchy has wounded US ALL and part of the boon of working with the archetypes is getting VERY CLEAR on where our shadow-wounded self is. This gives us power.   As the spiritual adage goes, naming the demon gives us power over it. We will be zoning in specifically on where each of us has our weakest links and, with courageous and wise love, working to shore up our selves so that our wounds can truly become our strengths.   Ultimately, this is for men at any stage of their journey. The archetypal work is very dynamic and meets men where they are at, endlessly offering more profound ways to refine the beauty of our souls.

GREAT EXPECTATIONS? What to truly look forward to:

The beauty and power of any transformational journey is the mystery of potential it can unlock in each of us. It is impossible to list concrete expectations when taking such a heroic journey. Each of us will embody this work in the unique and beautiful way that our own unique lives wish for. That being said, there are some general hopes that this work can manifest, such as:  

∞ CONSISTENCY: consistency is the foundation of mastery. Through this program, you will be given ways to build consistency in practice and in showing up for yourself and others. This will build strong confidence and help pull yourself from mucky places to soaring heights of achievement.  

∞ RESPECT AND HONOUR OF THE MASCULINE AND THE FEMININE: the archetypal work is so deep and incredible. It will give you an immense sense of the beauty of masculinity in all its challenges and virtues. Moreover, this work is also to empower men to be of better service to our sisters and all womankind. Women all over the world are waiting for us to meet them in their power and, together, truly create a new culture and civilization based on honouring the sacred, wisdom and love. One of the most amazing gifts of men’s work is discovering ways to heal the deep wounds between men and women, perhaps one of the most ancient of all. Moreover, this helps to also heal the inner-rift between the masculine and feminine forces within each of us.  

∞ STRENGTH & CONFIDENCE: this creative work will foster great strength within you. Strength you are probably wholly ignorant that you possess. One thing that is true for men is that a good challenge brings out the best of us. True men learn to long for such challenges, as the warrior archetype empowers. The challenges in this program will definitely help to bring out our best and give us a deep sense of confidence in the beauty and wisdom of our self and our ability to be truly powerful creative forces in the world—the destiny of all Kings!  

∞ STRENGH IN VULNERABILITY: there will be many opportunities to share our wounds and many men have several hidden miseries. Such is the tragedy of our modern conditioning: men are not encouraged to emotionally share. This bottled-up tension wreaks havoc on the souls of men. Through these practices and sharing sessions, we will have ample opportunity to release our shame around our wounds, learning to bravely embody our brokenness and therein begin the path to healing and restoring wholeness.  

∞ BROTHERHOOD: We will also be developing a beautiful and tender brotherhood by such work. The fraternity of men is an incredible force to have in one’s life and sadly many men do not have such. We will be building a sense of brotherhood that will be immense medicine for your life for years to come.  

∞ CULTIVATING EXCELLENCE: the great reward of this work is that as the fullness of the archetypes is aimed towards and gradually embodied, we begin to exude more and more excellence in our life. Noble qualities become us. We become charged with a passionate mission and destiny. Truly, our life will never be the same. Glory awaits!    

I personally look so forward to this journey together. While I am the facilitator, this is truly about each and every one of us being students of the great divine archetypal forces and sacred masculine. I will be participating in all the practices myself and know from many years undertaking them that powerful, positive transformation lies ahead.   It is high time for men to do this sacred work. Together, we can take a stand against all the chaos and wounding of the world and become agents of great and numinous change not only in our lives but in all the lives that touch us.



Hello, dear brothers ♥ I am joyful to serve you in this blessed container in the highest way that I can. I have been conducting myself in the Men's Work realm for over a decade now, following my own deep work on my own manfulness which led me to ardently wish to inspire and support other men in the ways I had experienced. I have led and supported Men's Circles for many years, as well as teaching on the archetypes through workshops, trainings and my Earth Knight retreat, helping men to collectively rise into beautiful empowerment.

I am known for my Sound Healing work, mystical music and my Source Resonance Trainings. I am formerly trained in Chinese Medicine as well as working with many global teachers, especially indigenous teachers on the path of the spiritual warrior. I am also trained in Shaking Medicine and Creative Transformation Therapy through my work with Dr. Bradford Keeney. I am also an inactive yoga teacher at the moment and used to run a humble studio in Toronto, Canada years ago.

I am also a passionate student of the mytho-poetic and ancient wisdom. I consider myself a carrier of the old story of the wisdom Goddess, Sophia, who is Mother Earth. I share sacred storytelling, ritual concerts to share this potent knowledge, putting on my Bard cap. I've also been reclaiming my Celtic ancestry and have a deep interest in Druidry. These days I am also a burgeoning writer and published my first book in 2023 LOVE'S REVOLUTION which you can find on Amazon. It's a collection of poetry, essays and short stories on sacred sexuality, conscious partnership and divine romance.


Instagram: @darrenaustinhall.com

Guest Facilitator: Len Benoit
Your Guide to Warrior Wellness

Join Len Benoit as he leads you on the path to embodying the warrior within, embarking on an empowering fitness journey like no other. With a proven track record of transforming the lives of hundreds in his cross-training facility, Len brings over two decades of experience as a seasoned fitness and health coach, empowering children, women and men to unleash their full potential, both physically and mentally.

The Warrior's Workout: Every week, Len will lead a dynamic fitness class tailored specifically for the King of Hearts program warrior, tapping into the physical prowess inherent in every participant. Drawing inspiration from ancient warrior traditions and modern fitness principles, Len's workouts transcend mere muscle-building; they honor the body as the sacred vessel it is. Certified Warrior Coach: Len holds specialized certifications as a Tacfit Instructor, Clubbell Instructor, and Clubbell Yoga Instructor, all esteemed as the world's smartest workout systems. These certifications prioritize functional fitness, mobility, adaptability, and mindfulness, enhancing strength, mobility, coordination, and joint stability through dynamic clubbell movements — the very tools and movements our ancestors used for hunting and combat.

Embrace Your Inner Warrior: Each session begins with Len guiding you through the warrior embodiment process to visualize, anchor, and embrace the mindset of a warrior, empowering you to conquer challenges to come. From warm-up to the physical prowess workout to the cool down, every movement is infused with the spirit of the warrior! Beyond the Gym: This isn't just about physical exercise; it's about embracing the warrior mindset in every aspect of life. With Len's guidance in these workouts, you'll harness the power of discipline, resilience, and determination to overcome any obstacle. Through sweat, camaraderie, and unwavering support, bonds are forged that last a lifetime as you journey together towards greatness.

Are You Ready to Vibe and Rise?

Guest Facilitator: Jaime Fleres

Shamanic Astrologer & Publishing Mentor




March 30, April 6, 13, 20, 27, May 4.

Replays will be available for men who cannot make every call.

(We do ask that you do your best, however, to make them all. If you have to miss more than two perhaps this is not the divine time for you to take the Kings of the Heart journey and we advise you await the next wave which might be in better alignment.)

We commence on Saturday March 30th which is Easter weekend or Ostara to the ancient Pagans. This is a time to celebrate the renewal/resurrection energy of Spring. We will be harnessing the potency of this natural cycle as we commence, surging forward in our renewal of the Divine Masculine in us all!


730-830AM Wednesday Mornings

These dynamic classes will also recorded and can be engaged later. We also hope for commitment to do the practice each week and will be fiercely compassionately checking in ;)


WITH JAIME. Time to be announced.


$888 USD

$697 USD Early Bird (until the Sunday, March 23rd)

Payment plans are also available.